I am a construction company that employs less than 20 workers.  Do I need a toolbox talks program?

Small construction company performs construction work.

By Safety Culture Pro

The short answer is: Yes. It is wise to implement a toolbox talks program in your construction company.


  1. A recent Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) 2023 Safety Report lists Toolbox Talks as one of the "Foundations of World Class Safety".

  2. A report posted on the National Library of Medicine website reveals that:

    “Approximately 90% of construction contractors employ 20 or fewer workers.

    Smaller construction firms experience higher rates of fatal injuries than larger firms. For example, in 2010, 56.3% of construction deaths occurred in establishments with fewer than 20 employees, yet such establishments employed just 41.4% of the construction workforce.

    These small companies typically have very limited resources to apply to OSH training needs. They often have no dedicated safety staff in these firms, rather it is among the several “hats” worn by the owner, who is often also the office manager, a field supervisor, and works alongside employees on projects.

    Because they require minimal resources and no professional training to deliver, toolbox talks may provide an ideal OSH training format for small construction contractors.”

 The report goes on to say:

Toolbox talks are an effective teaching device for all construction workers and are particularly effective for newer workers. Including a narrative and discussion questions increase their effectiveness.” 

However, my experience has proven to me that many traditional pdf/paper toolbox talks fail to have a worker answer a question to gauge understanding.   How do you know they understand the main point of the safety material?  Our video toolbox talks service provides a solution to this and many other challenges associated with construction toolbox talks.  

Reach out to me for a 30-day free trial and see for yourself.

As always, thank you for all you do for safety and I’ll see you out there!

Seth (Aka Safety Culture Pro)

Seth Wehner, SMS, CHST

Seth has over 20 years of experience in construction safety. He is an Authorized OSHA 10/30-hour construction instructor, holds the Safety Management Specialist (SMS), the Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) certifications through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, and was named one of the “Top Forty under Forty” by the National Safety Council.

Seth consults with many construction clients and would be happy to meet you.


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10 reasons why your company should make use of Toolbox Talks